Sunday, October 24, 2010

Days 20 and 21

Well, what to post tonight? I took a lot different pictures around the neighborhood and the apartment, but apparently I am only able to upload so many at a time, I will post the rest of them on another day.
Yesterday with it being Saturday and a beautiful one at that, I decided to venture out...oooooh.
I went to the thrift store and found some fun little items to purchase, nothing big. I was headed to the grocery store afterwards and on my way I passed two little babushka's selling items on the side of the road. One had socks, booties, books and an apron for sale. I stopped to look at the socks and I could not believe the price she was asking, 12 grivna, basically a $1,50 for the adult pair. They were handmade for goodness sake. I motioned that I would like to purchase them, I gave her 20 grivna, about $2.50, and then I motioned for her to keep the change. She was so grateful. After the grocery store I noticed they were still there, so I stopped by again, she had another smaller pair of socks that I had not noticed before and a set of the cutest little slippers. She wanted 15 grivna for both, so I gave her 50 and then she started to cry. She came over and hugged me and then of course I got teary eyed. I had basically only given her less then 9 dollars. She then gave me the apron she had for sale and a book also for the 50 grivna. You can probably guess I will never take the socks off and I will use the apron everyday. I was trying to ask her to make more for me, but she is not quite understanding what I want, so I will go back and see her each morning and hopefully she will have more for me to purchase. I have worn the socks ever since, they are sooo cozy and warm and yes, I did take them off when I showered today, but I put them right back on.

Afterwards I caught the bus to visit the boys. I took pictures for you Jenny inside the sanatorium, I didn't turn the flash on because I wanted you to get an idea of how dark it is in some places. It is a cold, dark building. I have learned to breathe through my mouth while inside, the smell really does over power you sometimes, but I am getting use to it. You see, when you hug the children and kiss their little heads, you smell the sanatorium. I can't wait to get them back here to the apartment to scrub their little bodies down and brush their teeth.

I have been fore warned that this would be coming and yesterday it happened. The pouting and shutting down when they don't get their way. Ruslan wanted me to buy him a sim card for his cell phone, which was MIRACULOUSLY found the day we arrived in the Ukraine, go figure. I told him no, he did need a sim card for his cell phone, when he will be with me in just a few days. I really believe a couple of the older boys, which I don't trust at all, put him up to it. They wanted the card for THEIR phones, Ruslan gave his away after they returned it to him, so why did he need a new card. Well, after I told him no, he pouted and ignored me the rest of the afternoon. The problem is, he doesn't know this is NOT my first time around dealing with pouty children. I actually found it to be quiet funny...he would sit right where he knew I would see him. If I went somewhere else, he followed, but stayed far enough away where he could pretend like he couldn't hear me when I talked to him. Bogdan and I had a great time playing baseball with the other kids, Ruslan wouldn't join us...his loss. Eventually my lovely nurse came outside and started her routine of yelling and grabbing children. She usually leaves the boys and I alone, but not that day. She came over to me and started yelling at me, why I had no idea and then she started in on the boys and then the boys started yelling at her, it was pure craziness. I just stood there not knowing what to say or do. Oh and by the way, Christy, she had on a mask covering her mouth, I think your theory about her having a crooked gold tooth or something along those lines just might have some truth to it. Anyway, the yelling went on for a good few minutes, I could tell she wanted those boys inside, so I just packed up my things and headed out for the day. Bogdan felt terrible about the nurse and Ruslan ignoring me, he was really upset with Ruslan and he told him so....I could hear him say, "sdjfkasd;flsuihi mama wiereoiious mama and pappa asdifuosifusoi mama, Ruslan." I tried to convey to him that it was no skin off my nose how Ruslan was acting, I know this won't be the last time either, but it was a bit hard for him to understand me. Bogdan snuck out of the sanatorium and followed me all they way to the bus stop, I could see him hiding in the bushes across the street as I was leaving. When the bus pulled away I saw him run quickly back home. Ruslan did not say a word when I left.

Today I was able to go to church. It was a nice and much needed break. I had a young girl sit behind me and translate the meetings for me. She is approximately 20 years old and is the only member in her family. In fact, her family doesn't even know she has joined the church. She hasn't missed once since she was baptized in June of this year. She was a cutie. Now I am home and bored. I brought 6 books with me and I have already read 5. I am trying to make the last one last a bit longer. This week I am going to do a couple of things with Elder and Sister Hardy. They are the most adorable couple missionary from Colorado. I am looking forward to having looooong conversations with them.

Love you all!!

This gentlman sits here pretty much every morning. I asked for his picutre yesterday, afterwards he motioned me over to sit with him. He held my hand and he chatted with me for a good 15 minutes. I never understood one word, he was bit intoxicated so I don't think he even noticed or cared.

A closer view of my new friend.

My dear sweet Babushkas that sold me the socks. The one on the right is the one who actually made them.

The socks I purchased along with the slippers.

The book and apron she gave me.

This is the open area right before the sanatorim. The fence we crawl through is at the end of the lane and just to the right.

The tunnel just before the open area.

This is where we say goodbye to the boys each day.

Inside the sanatorium. This is such a long hall with about 8 to 10 lights and the only light ever on is the one at the very end.

This is where we wait for the boys each day.

Taking a picure of us all in the mirror. These pictures are taken around 2pm so you can see it is quite dark inside.

A few of the boys' friends.

This mural is on the wall just as they enter the "dining room". Can you tell I'm getting so tired of visiting this place. while sitting inside the store I am so tired of going to, everyday.

Ruslan pouting...


  1. Great update, Danielle! Love the socks! And great pictures!! Thanks for taking so many photos for me!! :) I'm laughing about the Sim card...poor guy! Way to stay tough, Mama! He won't get beat up for not providing a Sim card to the big boys will he?? Hope you have a great day!

  2. I just read your comment, Jenny. I thought the same thing about the older boys when it came to the sim card, but I believe it is more a popularity thing. He gets along well with them...but mind you if they do touch him they will see a new side of me. Mama Bear will be alive and well...

  3. We had some pouting too. And I laughed just like you did. Seriously, did they think they were getting push over parents? Alex always wanted things to upgrade his cell phone. Like a case or a trinket. Hello? The phone will not work in America! He pouted a few times about that and when I'd take him shopping and wasn't buying something for him. I have a lovely picture of the back of his head, sulking at an open market. Fun stuff!
    Yuck to the sanatorium. That one little boy looks like he's just in a long tank top. What the heck? Isn't it chilly there?
    Oh, please try to use your spy skills and get a picture of Nurse Rachted. I am dying of curiosity to put a face with the stories.
    Orphans are here and that breath through the mouth technique came in handy when surrounded by them right after the airplane. Poor little babies. A few threw up on the plane and they really had a rough ride here. They looked so scared and small. Just think, that was you just a year ago, taking these boys into your home. Wow. And now.....almost home with them forever!
    Keep blogging, it will help your sanity. Do you crochet? I know you can buy yarn and needles there. There's a place upstairs at Billa if I remember right.
    Well, we're off to the ice cream social/explain the rules to the orphan night.
    You've come a long way! What some of these mom's this year wouldn't give to be in your place!

  4. Hey Danielle! Those socks are so awesome, buy as many as you can and give them for neighbor gifts for Christmas! :)jk. Or b-day gifts. Be careful with holding hands with old perverted men! you never know, they might go crazy for a sexy American woman like you. You are on quite the adventure I hope you enjoy some part of it everyday. They had a story in the newspaper today about the Ukrainian orphans arriving in SLC. So weird to think it was a year ago when your boys came! And now you are there to bring them home. I love reading your blog everyday, it's the highlight of my day. If you want to add more pictures to the same blog entry just go into "edit post" and click on the photo icon again and you can add more. Miss you!

  5. The socks are so cool and I agree with Wendy, Try to get a picture of the nurse smiling really big with that big rotton tooth. It will be like a victory picture to remind you that you can work miracles :)

    I swear that they have classes at the orphange on how to beg and pout and that winning is everything. It is so funny how it is so common with so many kids. I have a feeling that you will have it licked in a really short time because you obviously know the drill and they tend to lose behaviors that you can stand to ignore. Good for you for getting right on that. We made the mistake of waiting until we were back in the US to draw some lines and it made it harder later because we had reinforced those silly behaviors. I am so glad that you are having some fun. Holding hands with drunk old guys should help a little with the lonliness :) I am sure that he will be watching for you tomorrow. Did you find a bus to go to Church? Ours was about 2 dollars per person. Did you go to Dnepropetrovsk or did they have a branch on left bank?

    Keep hanging in there.

  6. Daneille, loving your blogs! What an adventure you are having. Your time is truly winding down. I am so impressed with your parenting, I have to laugh as many of these host kids are working their host parents over by pouting and sulking. Americans can be such suckers! Kent has posted to you several times, but I can't find his comments, I told him it was because you were deleting them! We are having a blast with our host kids, they are way cute. Keep up the blog!
    Love, Margie

  7. I'm glad you are being so positive and helping people. I went to the little store at the end of the road. Are you going clear down town? Keep up the good work.
