Saturday, October 30, 2010

Days 26, 27, 28 and 29...the week in review.

I am children reminded me the other day that I have now been here 30 days, not the 26 that I thought. I started my blog on the third of October, but we technically did leave on the 1st, so I have skipped a few days in the blog. Well, what a week. It has been exhausting, rewarding, exciting and sad all rolled into a nutshell I traveled to Dnipropetrovsk and went to an amazing museum with a few of the missionaries serving in this area. Traveled all over the southern part of Ukraine getting birth certificates, and ending the longest 10 waiting period which culminated in me FINALLY getting he boys. (We did it Dave, they are ours). Monday we head back to Dnipropetrovsk to get passport photos of the boys and then we are are told it will take 3 working days for those to be completed, if ALL goes well. We are waiting for a background check to be done on Bogdan now, because he is over the age of 14 he needs this done under his old name of Bogdan Bohen and then under his new name of Bogdan Joshua Moore, go figure. Then once we receive the passports we will go back to Kyiv for medical checkups, paperwork to be finished at the American Embassy and then HOME!!! For those who have done this before, does that sound about right? Am I forgetting anything? We were able to get so much done on Friday and Saturday that Oksana thinks we may have shaved 5 days off our stay, perhaps we will be able to head home around the 7th or so. I am hopeful, but not expecting too much, things can and do change daily around here. The boys were officially ours yesterday morning. I was told to pack some food for them because the sanatorium wasn't going to feed them if they were going to be sad. Anna, the orphanage lawyer picked them up for me. Bogdan arrived with a small bag consisting of a pair of pants, two shirts, a sweater, one pair of shoes, his school work and one stuffed dog. Ruslan just had the clothes on his back, it sure was not a whole lot for being 12 and 14 years of age. When we arrived home last night they were so hungry, they are constantly wanting to eat. I'm worried they are going to make themselves sick...I'm needing to really watch what and how much they eat. Earlier today Constantine brought over a tv and DVD player for the boys, and as I type this I can hear them in their room laughing at Tom and Jerry I brought from home, it's the best sound ever. Bogdan acts as if he has just come out of a 14 year coma, he touches and is amazed by everything and about every 20 minutes or so, and I'm not exaggerating, he asks me, "No sanatorium, home mommy?" I reply, "Home, no sanatorium." He still can't believe he is actually with me...

When they woke up this morning I had them scrub themselves raw and when they got out of the shower instead of putting on the nice CLEAN clothes I brought from home, they put their old filthy clothes back on, I told them I needed to wash their clothes and to change, but they still don't look any better. The clothes I brought simply drown them, but hey, at least they are clean and they smell so good.

Today we went back to the sanatorium because they wanted to "present" some little gifts they had for their friends, yesterday they were not able to really say goodbye. I will have to post about what happened, because I get so teary eyed thinking about it. I cried the whole time. These children love each other so much and they were saying goodbye to "family", it was more then I could handle....I'll write more later

Christy, after having the boys with me now for a good 24 hours, I think you now need to start a blog entitled, "Is this normal when...?" Boy do I have so many questions...any advice from you moms and dads who have done this before would be so greatly appreciated at this time. THANKS!!

Tonight when I tucked the boys into bed and kissed them goodnight, Bogdan asked me again, "Mommy, no sanatorium?" No, Bogdan you are sanatorium.

Loves and kisses xoxo

Pictures from the museum.

This is a picture of the wall in the "Dark Room". Notice in 1939, alone,over 1,340,000 Ukrainians were killed. Actually during WWII over 20 million were killed and that number doesn't even include the ones that died during the famine and in prison.

A few of those that were killed...

In the "Dark Room".

Yura, Sister Hardy, Elder and Sister them.

This is my little Arturo. This day I taught them the fine art of playing baseball. They found this piece of wood for the bat, it actually worked wonderfully. I know I slaughtered the rules David, but they will never know.

Facilitator Oksansa and Constantine. He is the owner of the house we are renting and he was also our driver for the day. We are eating at McDonald's. They wanted American food and I wanted Ukrainian...I was out voted 2 to 1.

The boys receiving their birth certificates with their new names. Bogdan Joshua Moore and Ruslan Edward Moore, they sure have nice ring to them, don't they?

Skyping David and the kids our first night together. I tell you...I think I know what we need to get Bogdan for Christmas, a camera.



  1. Wow! Such a heart-wrenching story. You are so brave and have such endurance! This is so amazing to watch unfold. Thanks for keep us in the loop... All the best to you in the coming days! xox

  2. OHHHHHHHHHHH I am so glad that you have your boys. I sure hope they don't get carsick because I am guessing you have been in the car a lot dodging potholes the past few days. Yes, yes, yes it is all normal. All the weird touching everything, staring, sniffing and needing to open every single thing in sight over and over again. Our boys would walk into the kitchen every 5 minutes and open the fridge and look at the food and want to eat ALL THE TIME. They don't get full. Ours have gained 25 lbs in 4 months and are still skinny. They have pretty much been starved for years and so they really do need to catch up but sometimes you feel like you are always at the grocery store. I think we should all give you a sack of groceries for a welcome home gift :)
    Congratulations on getting the boys. Hooray that you don't have to ride any more busses to the sanitorium. Hooray that you don't have to wait to see them each day and Hooray you got a day of being a tourist with those cute missionaries. I imagine that the doors to heaven are lined with a whole bunch of couple missionaries. Hang in there and have fun with YOUR adorable boys!!!!

  3. PS It is so sad that their earthly possessions can fit in a little bag. Our kids basically had the clothes on their back. We should have taken the clothes back to the orphanage since I recently noticed that Spencer got his picture taken at the studio in the same shorts he had at the orphanage. When we send a picture to his sister and friends they will think he is still wearing the same old thing :) Oh well, at least he has a new big smile.

  4. Awww....great post!! I worry so when I don't hear from you.
    Alex asked over and over "da doma?" and would make airplane flying motions. It's as if they don't believe they're really leaving until they get on that plane.
    Everything Alex owned fit in a back pack and 75% of it was what we had given him during the hosting program. BUT he did have FOUR swim caps! Wow.
    It will take a long while for that need-to-eat every-second-of-the-day to wear off. I told Alex last week after feeding him beef stew for dinner and having "jelly toast" and then wanting pizza at a school carnival that I should have just named him Alex HUNGRY Richhart and we've been home for EIGHTEEN months TODAY! But I can tell you that his eating now is probably due to growth and not the novelty of being able to eat at anytime. I think he finally believes we will and can provide for him and his needs. are almost there. I would say, you've got everything down. The embassy is great! Just flash that American passport and you'll get to the head of the line. Once inside you will be astounded to HEAR English!
    I did leave all of Alex's original orphanage clothes at our last apartment. (There's not enough Clorox in the world to get those white's white again and the girly Winny The Poo sweatshirt just had to go!) And like Christy's boy's (I am laughing that Spencer had his picture in his orphan shorts!) Alex would just keep wearing them and probably get beat up over that girly sweat shirt. (I know his brother would have given him grief....that's for sure!)
    So sweet to know they're laughing and safe with you.
    Tell Constantine that Wendy say's hi.(Does he still wear his cell phone around his neck with the half naked woman as a screen saver? Ah....the memories!)

  5. Yes, the names do have a very nice ring to them! Congratulations and two thumbs up for a job well done during this long, amazing adventure! Hopefully, it's true that five days have been shaved off... What a reunion awaits you all!

  6. What am I going to do when you get back and I don't have your blog to check everyday? Actually I hope you keep up your blog, it will be an awesome journal you can print and keep forever! The names totally fit them, love it. It would have been funny if Bogdon would have chosen Jacob. Edward and Jacob! hahahaha. I hope the laughter continues and you have an amazing time with them there. Can't wait to see you!

  7. A HUGE congratulations to you!! I am so relieved to hear the good news. I am crying my eyes out reading this. I don't think my boys really believed they were out of there until the airplane took off. Let me know if they beg to swim in the bathtub 3 or 4 times a day (in the brown water). This was one of my boys favorite things to do. I can't wait to hear that you are home safe and sound soon!

  8. Sooooo exciting!!! Your boys are wonderful! You are wonderful! Enjoy your new family! I'm impressed by your strong spirit! I could not have done it alone!
    BTW did Sister Hardy live in Colorado recently? She looks like a lady that went to my ward.

  9. We are so excited for you. Benson still wont eat hardly anything which is probally why he is a size 8 at age 13. After you take the passport photos you can call the embassy and get a date to go see them.(even without the passport) just cry like I did and tell them you will fax it the next morining. It took us 8 days from the day I got Benson until we got on the airplane.

  10. It's all down hill from here! You are doing great! My boys are still eating everything in sight, and it has been over two years! When you get back, you will have to come to the SAC luncheon. It is the best support, therapy, break you will ever need! Parents from the very first year of the hosting program come, so there is a wealth of information. Plus, we have a great time. I'm so happy for all of you. Stay strong, you have two little protectors now! They will not let anything happen to their new Mommy!

  11. Whooo hooo! Hug on them every single minute. And enjoy seeing everything for the first time through their eyes. All of the things that just exist for us are new to them. Viktor has been home 7 months and no onger smells and touches everything. Food is no longer an issue (other than keeping him away from the sweets!). I am amazed at how fast he has adjusted. I pray your sons will adjust as fast and as easily as our guy did. Keep blogging once you get home. I am very sorry I stopped. You forget the wonderful things that happen every day. And the "Is it normal..." thing is a GREAT idea!
