Thursday, October 7, 2010

Pictures in no particular order.

Spending time with the boys.

Social Service Office.

Same office, different view.

Playing video games.

The lobby of the Orphange.

David and the boys, awww.


  1. love these!!! love how you are keeping everyone up to date. the boys look so happy. you all look happy! :0) yay!

  2. that social service office is kinda scary looking. The boys look so good and happy. Hope everything keeps moving smoothly! loveya!

  3. I hope things continue to go well for you. I'm enjoying your blog and the pictures. I was saddened by the orphanage my daughter is in but I'm realizing it is far far better than your boys'. The best of luck to you!

  4. Hi Danielle! I can't BELIEVE I didn't get you those money pouches - but things hit the fan with Daniel and I didn't even think about it. I'm SO SORRY! But so happy that things are moving along so well. Have LOVED reading your blog & seeing the pics - brings back so many of our adoption memories. Love to you all. Nadine Evans
