Monday, October 4, 2010

My nasty blister. Note to self, do not wear Sunday shoes to SDA appointment next time.

Church building up and around the corner from our apartment.

Downtown Kiev, Sunday evening.

Our messy bedroom. We were way too tired to truly unpack our suitcases.

Living room.

Living room and kitchen.

Stairwell to our apartment. Notice the dust on the handrail.


  1. Kiev is beautiful and there are some great restaurants. We ate at a Georgian restaurant that was really good, and we also ate at the same place as Wendy a couple of times that is in the city center. I think they called it the Ukranian kitchen. So sorry about the blister. I tried the high heel thing too, trying to score some fashion points, but those cobble stone streets are brutal! How is the weather? So will you see the boys on Wednesday? Did you learn more about the boys in the interview? Keep blogging!!

  2. Ouch!! That blister looks like it hurts! Hopefully you have some comfy shoes you can wear around.

    The pictures of Kiev are beautiful. Wow.

    Thanks for blogging. We look forward to your meeting the boys.

  3. I didn't know you guys had a blog, I'm so excited. The pictures are amazing, that blister looks terrible. The price you pay for looking great!

    ~your cousin
